Sunday, January 8, 2012

Do Squares - Game, Exercise for Earned Value Management

Enclosed is a game with exercise to demonstrate EVM learning. The game is to be played by 5/6 individuals (henceforth called DATES) of the class who volunteer. Duration of exercise is 15 minutes (5 minutes of introduction and 10 minutes of activities). The behaviour of team members is conditioned using the special instructions to generate various timings/values required to calculate Earned Value and indices. Please give me feedback if "Do Squares - Game n exercise" helped you.

Find below the special instructions to the team DATES.

Do Squares - An EVM Game

Team D (5 papers)

Draw Squares of 10 cm x 10 cm.

Duration : 10 min

You are very dedicated with focus on highest level of detail. You attempt to draw squares that cannot be matched by anyone in perfection. You leisurely do a thorough job. Your output (ie squares drawn) are always approved 100% by client. You are cost/waste conscious as well.

You use both sides of paper to draw the squares.

Team    A (15 papers)

 Draw Squares of 10 cm x 10 cm.

Duration : 10 min

You are very ambitious. You would like to use the time to draw as many squares as possible in the available time, may be much faster than others. You are not looking at perfection. Reasonable shape is OK. Sometimes you may draw perfectly.  Customer may reject some of your squares. You still attempt to cover up and do more than others much before others.

You may take as many papers as possible to draw the squares. Draw one square per paper.

Team T ( 6 papers)

Draw Squares of 10 cm x 10 cm.

Duration : 10 min

You are a brilliant team of two people.  Each of you attempt to draw squares that are correct and try to complete 5 squares each in the time given or earlier.

 You try to draw 2 squares per paper.

Team E (5 Papers)

Draw Squares of 10 cm x 10 cm.

Duration : 10 min

You are an excellent person and look value for effort.

You spend the available time completely and draw exactly 10 squares in the time.

 You try to draw 2 squares per paper.

Team S    ( 5 Papers )

Draw Squares of 10 cm x 10 cm.

Duration : 10 min

You try to put 2-3 papers one on top of each other and use the impressions (like tracing to be faster and correct) on papers to complete 10 squares much before the time given.

You try to spend less time and draw exactly 10 squares .

 You try to draw 2 squares per paper.

Finally after game of Do Squares is over, collect good squares drawn and attach a fixed value to these. Also depending on the time in minutes spent by the each of DATES team, note the timing and provide cost calculations (include cost of pencil, scale, eraser, paper and the time put in by the team member). This is used for Actual Cost calculation. Earned Value is the number of squares multiplied by customer price of square. Please take $10 for minute of team member time and $10 for each square drawn and approved by customer. [Customer, Project Manager may be volunteers from session]. Take $1 for each paper and $2 or $3 for accessories like scale, pencil, eraser, sharpner etc.,

Use the worksheet below to do exercise based on PV, AC, EV values noted after the game.

EVM Worksheet – based on Do Squares Game

                                                          Name :







PV = Planned Value (10 Squares, 10 / square)
EV = Earned Value
AC = Actual Cost

CV = Cost Variance
SV = Schedule Variance

CPI = Cost Performance Indicator
SPI = Schedule Performance Indicator
TCPI = To Complete Performance Indicator

BAC = Budget At Completion
EAC = Estimate At Completion
ETC = Estimate To Complete

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